Calendar 2024: Concrete Dreams
Calendar 2024: Concrete Dreams
Sonnenring, biscuit jar and hypar shell - the names of the buildings shown in our calendar are as distinctive as the buildings themselves. In the 1960s and 1970s, people in East and West Germany liked to build with a lot of concrete. The futuristic fair-faced concrete buildings from Munich, Hamburg, Dresden and Leipzig are illustrated in our calendar in orange, black and gray and printed on recycled paper.
Some of these are threatened with demolition, such as the "Keksdose", a functional building at Hamburg Central Station or the Arabella high-rise in Munich. The building, named after the owner's daughter, is due to be demolished as it has reached the end of its life cycle after 50 years of operation.
Others have been renovated, such as "the Minsk" on Potsdam's Brauhausberg. In the premises of the former inn there is now a museum of contemporary art. The iconic rescue tower in Binz has also undergone a change in use, and people are now getting married there. The futuristic building on the Baltic Sea was designed by the architect Ulrich Müther. The Magdeburg Hypar shell was also designed by the architects from Binz. This is currently being renovated.
spiral binding
Recycled paper 240 g/sqm
Limited edition
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Pick up in store: free
Shipping Germany: €4.99
Shipping EU: €14.99
Shipping CH + GB: €16.99
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Delivery time: 2-3 working days
The products can be returned within 14 days without giving a reason. The buyer bears the costs of the return. Details can be found in our general terms and conditions and our cancellation policy.
A3: 42*29.7cm
Berlin calendar
Architecture + Illustration Since 2009 we have been designing a Berlin calendar with graphic city views every year. The focus is on Berlin architecture. The calendar appears as a "LIMITED EDITION". The s.wert calendar is often sold out in December.